Once I felt like our nutrition was under control, I started to explore ways to keep our bodies active when neither of us wanted to be outside as much. I started exploring yoga with the intention of incorporating Waffles into my practice and shifting to Doga, and I ended up learning so much that aligned with my core values. Practicing with Waffles and letting her play teacher while I critiqued myself from her perspective made learning Asanas fun while having a schedule that didn’t allow for live classes and created a good format to practice what I was learning in YogaRenew’s 200-Hour Teacher Training Course.

As I progressed and Waffles found more normalcy and structure, we began to turn Asana into a game. In some poses she will lay nearby in wait while others require her to jump over a bent leg or a lowered body. We also incorporate BarkBox toys as we play through different movements. You can find some of our tugging and treating sequences, along with training videos to show you how to teach your dog each game, in my Video Library.

The better my body felt, and the healthier my dog seemed, the happier I was, and the more I felt that I related to the Yamas and Niyamas and wanted to put good into the world. That is why I wanted to take my study of yoga deeper and share my journey with anyone who might find it helpful or inspirational.

welcome to doitwithdaisy

It’s not uncommon to take better care of our dogs than ourselves or spoil them a little too much, but what if doing the best thing for them led to a healthier and happier life for you?

Canine obesity and nutrient deficiency make a huge impact on the lifespan and overall health of the modern dog, but both can be avoided with the guidance of a veterinary nutritionist. I spent a long time trying to find the perfect dog food for Waffles. I wanted to make her food myself because using fresh ingredients would make both of our health easier to manage. When I found The Farmer’s Dog, I found the best of both worlds: Their fresh food subscriptions are balanced by board-certified veterinarian nutritionists and pre-portioned to fulfill my dog’s nutritional need, and eliminates preparation time when I don’t have the time or energy, and their DIY plan allows me to shop for ingredients myself and serve them separately throughout the day to help Waffles distinguish the scents and flavors so that she can make more confident choices when she tells me what we should eat next.

The Farmer’s Dog DIY plans include vet-balanced recipes, preparation instructions, and supplement mix. You can check them out for how to safely make dog food at home, and I will show you some incredible ways to make use of the leftovers on my blog, Eat Like a Dog.

My Approach

Every dog, cat, or any other animal is different. That is why nutrition is a board-certified specialty among veterinarians. People all have different needs as well, and together we can find balance through Animal-Assisted Yoga.

Mindfulness and kindness

Our pets burn calories at a much different rate than we humans do, and they typically need a lot less calories overall. Keeping this in mind throughout the day helps ensure that we are not overfeeding them, even with healthy foods. We also can use this as a way to remember to eat enough ourselves by having a snack each time we feed our pets or sharing snacks together on occasion.

We also must be both clear and kind with our pets, creating a positive and predictable environment for them to thrive in. We do this through sincerity. By building strong communication, we create a bridge to our pets’ understanding of our behavior. Acts of kindness purify the soul, which shifts the way that we interact with our pets. We look to our pets for inspiration, whether that’s by protecting their best interests through moderation and structure, or by sharing confidence-building experiences. Animal-Assisted Yoga allows us to grow together because

Yoga allows the bond with our pets to deepen while improving our quality of life.


Animals all have different needs, but the one thing all species have in common is that we need to move. Movement has a magical medicinal aspect as it determines how our bones remold over time, either benefiting or deteriorating us. Being mindful of the type of movement both you and your pet need and marrying them together can be a beautiful experience and help you build a healthier life